Wasteland Wiki
Wasteland Wiki

"Fat Freddy is a genetic nightmare - a squamous mass of slimy flesh shuddering and twitching before you like some animated blob of flesh-colored jello. He smells like a swamp, a foul, choking miasma of rotting mastodonian flesh left to putrefy" - Wasteland Paragraph Book

Fat Freddy is a crime boss, who does not like to be told no. He has a habit of gassing those who do say it, and chucking them in jail. He also has a keen sense of humour as a boxing glove is ready to pop out of the wall, and into your face, should you give the wrong password when entering his den.


  • He is mentioned in the first Fallout game.

He would like to see Faran Brygo dead, and his Onyx ring as proof.
